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   3  1987 S.A.E.C.
   2 CASSETTE    
   2 ;"PRESS A KEY":
   2 ;"IS LOADING":
   1 you can't enter. The best thing to do next is quit and start    again!
   1 the credit card to find the     combination of the safe.
   1 slightly dangerous occupation,  as you could get lost on the    roof, and, if you visit the     chimney stack twice, you will   fall to your death the second   time, so save the game before   attempting it.
   1 should drop something else. Go  west to get back to the gravel  drive. The object of this       exercise is to find the soft    flower bed, which is south from your first dropped object, and  the lawn, which is north of the flower bed.
   1 know how to get through this    maze later in the game, so      before picking things up again, make sure you know your way     around, not forgetting to returnto the waiting room for the     matches.
   1 items which will help you to mapthe four locations of the       country road maze.
   1 is hidden somewhere around, but in this game don't expect to    find it buried in a garden or atthe bottom of a well.
   1 is a brass key. Going north     twice will take you to a countryroad with no exits marked, but  east twice will take you to a   muddy river bank.
   1 humour. Outside the castle, you are faced with a mob of angry   peasants brandishing scythes andsickles and complaining about   not having enough holidays. Workout how to pass them and you areon your way!
   1 gardener who shoots you after   one move, the unsociable fellow!Go UP to the gate tower and examthe window. TIE ROPE, then CLIMBROPE to get to a gravel drive   which is east of the front door of the mansion. Possession of   the brass key will OPEN DOOR,   then GO DOOR to the hallway.
   1 first and the third from the    second."" Depending on your key- board layout this might be a    difficult riddle to solve.
   1 figurine. East takes you to the butler's pantry - don't forget  to pick up the trowel - then UP twice returns you to the green  bathroom.
   1 dilapidated castle with a pig   sty in the courtyard. There is akitchen with no edible food in  it, and a master bedroom which  contains (apart from a four-    poster propped up on bricks!) a locked chest. The key of course
   1 die several times as the safe   can only be opened by pressing  one of five buttons - press the wrong one and our old friend    Sudden Death appears.
   1 a hint that you could kick it,  and the response to that is     typical of the programmer's
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 You are the only survivor of  the crash and your task is to   get out of the wreckage and finda way to get off the planet.
   1 You are on a tour of the Solar  System when the space ship in   which you are travelling crashesonto the planet Jhothamia 6.
   1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden   cage?
   1 Up and east is a waiting room with a table. Examination will  show matches, but you don't needthem yet, the next thing to find
   1 Unlock the trunk of the car.  Take the wire cutters, wear the gloves and cut a hole in the    fence
   1 Unlock the car door and start the car. Drive north until you  crash.
   1 Unlock the armoury door, take the pistol and grenade.
   1 To the south of the waiting   room you will have discovered a ticket office with a safe, but  you need to know the right      number to dial to open it. The  number can be found on a slip ofpaper in the master bedroom, so you had better go into the      mansion next.
   1 To open the safe enter the   number 7534. Take and read the  folder plus the documents.
   1 To finish the game just leavethe building.
   1 To cross the road wait until the sign tells you it is safe towalk.
   1 Throw the meat to the dogs.   Shoot the lock on the shed and  take the gloves.
   1 This time, WAIT twice until   the train stops a second time,  and you have an exit east, whichtakes you to platform 1, with a sign saying Upper Massington.
   1 There is also an exit DOWN,   which takes you on to the rail- way line where you will find a  spanner. Make sure you do this  NOW - at any other time if you  go down on to the railway line, a train comes along and you end up mashed!
   1 There is a useful RAM SAVE/   LOAD option which comes in very handy especially in part 2 as iteliminates the need to enter    security codes and data to      restart a game.
   1 There are three roof locationswith exits N,E,W; N,S,W; and N, S,E,W. South of the chimney     stack is a ruined arbour and a  white figurine, but you will    probably die of a broken neck   several times before you get    this one away safely!
   1 There are no traps inside the house (except the wardrobe in   the dressing room - do not GO   WARDROBE even if you have found the key to open it!) so wander  around and map it.
   1 The winner, P YOUNG of GLASGOW  won THE BIG SLEAZE.
   1 The title suggests that it    might be a Cowboys and Indians  game, but it isn't - CUSTERD is Sir Cowerd de Custerd, a feudal lord who is despatched by the   king to dispose of an evil necr-omancer.
   1 The solution to Competition 12  was 
   1 The puzzles you will encounterare reasonable enough to get youthinking. However my biggest    criticism is that `2.95 is just too much for a 23 location      adventure.
   1 The information you have just   had will lead you to the killer,but you may find that you have  not got enough evidence to      arrest him. What is missing?    Well, work it out yourself,     sergeant!
   1 The hallway, incidentally, is a good central place for dumpingthings you can't carry or don't yet need.
   1 The first puzzle you will meetis what to do if you get off thetrain the first time it stops,  with an exit west. This will    only take you to platform 2,    with a sign saying Lower Mass-  ington, and there is nothing    here except a waiting room which
   1 The first game, Operation     Stallion was reviewed back in   February and if you bought it   you will receive Operation
   1 The background story on the   cassette inlay informs you that nuclear scientist, Professor    Wolff has been kidnapped by the KGB and taken to East Germany.
   1 The adventure contains some   really nice graphics and a      fabulous clear screen routine.  If you find yourself stuck for  words you can use the commands  VERBS or NOUNS to see a list of the games vocabulary.
   1 Taking with you the brass key,  the violet figurine and the     trowel, make your way to the    station via the gravel drive,   the gate tower, the gatehouse   and the country road maze, then GO STATION to return to the     waiting room.
   1 Take the lump of meat from thekitchen.
   1 Take the brass key with you,  just in case, and two more      objects to drop on the circular path. Go east from the front of the mansion to the gravel drive then east to the circular path  and drop something.
   1 TROLL     A
   1 TROLL     (
   1 TROLL     
   1 THE HELM                     
   1 THE EXTRICATOR                
   1 THE BOGGIT                   
   1 TEXT      
   1 Still holding the brass key,  go to the balcony via the blue  bedroom, then CLIMB BALUSTRADE  and JUMP to the roof. This is a
   1 Send for a copy now.
   1 ROBIN OF SHERWOOD             
   1 Press the penthouse button inthe lift. Insert the pass when  asked to, then press the button again.
   1 Playing the part of our hero, Sir Cowerd, you live in a
   1 Pick up the candle and then     perform a bit of vandalism in   the kitchen by BREAKING TILE.   This reveals a hole which will  lead you to the boiler room and a red figurine.
   1 PHOTOGRAPH                                                      1) LEFT HAND - There is black   cotton thread under a finger    nail.
   1 PART 2                                                          On now to part 2 which will     involve using the Diamond Compu-ter Network which allows you to contact various police and      judiciary departments as well asprisons.
   1 P.S. if you get stuck in the    game you can take advantage of  Wrightchoice's telephone help-  line!
   1 Operation Berlin is a two part  adventure and is the second of atrilogy of adventures in which  the first person to complete thetrilogy will win a cash prize of`500.
   1 Open the first door you see  and kill the janitor. Search himto find a security pass.
   1 Open the drawer, take the     keys, unlock and open the door.
   1 Once the safe has been opened it vanishes, but there is a bug in the program which allows you to open it and get the objects  as often as you wish!
   1 On the other hand, if you like  to see the mickey taken out of  classic adventures, with        references to fairy tales and   Hitch-Hiker's Guide thrown in   for good measure, and if you    like to get the whole family in on a good laugh, and if you liketo switch your computer off and go to bed smiling, then this is the game for you.
   1 On exploring the wreckage you   soon realise that one of your   major problems is death from    radiation. Opening the safe in  the equipment store will reveal some useful articles but you may
   1 ODDS + ENDS
   1 Now would be a good time to   get a bit of fresh air because  you need to map a small (two    location) maze in the grounds,  which is called a circular path.
   1 Not unnaturally, the Prime    Minister wants the matter       resolved and she sends for your boss Charles Jenson who knows   exactly what needs to be done...
   1 North or east will take you toanother circular path where you
   1 NOT BAD    
   1 N,F;"CREDITS ":
   1 Membership is free. send a      S.A.E. for full details now.
   1 Make your way to the gatehouseon the country road, then GO    GATE. Do not go south from here,you will only meet an irate
   1 Make sure you don't miss an     issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these  special prices.
   1 MAFIA CONTRACT I             
   1 LOADER    
   1 Knowledge which was handed      down by the Ancients,  and      faithfully recorded by the      Wise Ones.  This Knowledge      deals with the pastime  of
   1 Kill Rossi (don't shoot him, if you do a bug will stop you   from completing the game).
   1 Jhothamia 6 is a text only    Quilled adventure. Unfortunatelythere is no RAM SAVE/LOAD       facility which should really be mandatory in today's adventures.
   1 JEWELS OF BABYLON            
   1 It should now be easy to      wander round the maze and mark  all the exits. You will need to
   1 It is important to mark where all the exits go from each      location, because getting the   next figurine entails jumping   from the roof, and you will landin the soft flower bed, so you  need to know how to get back    into the house!
   1 It is a dark opening so you   will need to light the candle.  GO OPENING takes you to the backstairs which go to the butler's pantry and a utensil store,     where you will find a silver
   1 In the course of this, you will find a blue figurine just lying around, so pick this up and takeit to the hallway, where you cancollect it later. There is a    green figurine in the conservat-ory, which you will find if you exam the plants.
   1 In order to complete part 1 you will have to get some money to  pay for a taxi, avoid a pick    pocket and use a phone. Once youreach your office you must      choose some equipment which you will use in part 2.
   1 In a store room you will find an inconsequential stone panel  and if you examine it, as a goodadventurer would, you are told  ""It's inconsequential - can't   you read?"" Then you are given
   1 If you would like to win the    adventure of your choice then   take a look at the scrambled    letters on the next page. All   you have to do is unscramble    them to reveal the titles of    three adventures.
   1 If you would like to receive anyof these maps simply send us a  large S.A.E. stating which maps you want.
   1 If you have been to the green bathroom you may have thought ita dead end, but there is a      secret exit here, opened by     PULLing the ARM of the suit of  armour in the hall.
   1 I would rate this as a very goodgame, with more complications   and puzzles than you would      expect in a game with only 59   locations.
   1 I am always eager to add to my  volumes anything concerning     adventures. If you have any mapsor solutions to any adventures  please send them to me care of  S.A. If I use them in the cavernyou will receive a three issue  subscription to the magazine.
   1 Hubert's wife was shot by some- body called Phil. A cartridge   marked TE 9 F 3-79 was found andthe getaway car was a BMW.
   1 Hub 775 23977:Fuzzy Bar of      Poplars.
   1 However, when this is safely  accomplished you should have    eight figurines deposited in thehallway, and not much further togo!
   1 Here we are folks with yet      another free competition.
   1 Head north from here and drop something, then east will take  you back to the first object    you dropped.
   1 HEAVY ON THE MAGICK           
   1 HAMPSTEAD                    
   1 Go west to the bus stop and   wait for the bus to New York. Ifyou have missed it then start   again, but try to do it a littlefaster this time.
   1 Go to the blue bathroom and GOWINDOW to a balcony, then DOWN  to a walled garden. CLIMB FOUNT-AIN to find a pink figurine, butbefore returning to the balcony,get a chisel from the greenhouseto the east of the garden. You  will need the chisel and the    hammer from the potting shed to the south of the conservatory tofind the next figurine.
   1 Go north, drop something, go  west and drop something, then   west again takes you to a       country road by a gatehouse.
   1 Go north from the river bank  to the country road by the      station, and west brings you to the country road (north of the  waiting room) which has exits   marked.
   1 GOOD                                          
   1 Further on up the alley you  will meet Don Capolla. Shoot himthen search his body. Examine
   1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order.
   1 Finished with an adventure?
   1 Enter the building east of   the darl alley, climb up the    stairs, open the door of the    bed-sit and shoot Machine Gun   Louey.
   1 Enter the Rossi Gold Corpora-tion office block and press the first floor button in the lift.
   1 EXAM MUD to find the key, thengo west. This will not take you back to the country road by the station, which was your last    location, but to a rickety      wharf. In the warehouse to the  south you will find a candle anda rope if you EXAM the crate    twice.
   1 Don't let it gather dust on a   shelf!
   1 DIG MUD to find the black     figurine and return to the hall-way in the mansion. Drop the    figurines on the ebony stand    north of the library, then go tothe study to find the safe open and the GOLD FIGURINE!
   1 DIAL the number you found on  the slip of paper in the master bedroom to find a yellow        figurine, then go to the muddy  river bank.
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness?
   1 CODE      
   1 CASTLE BLACKSTAR             
   1 C$="To Ten Little Indians               By June Rowe"
   1 C$="To Mafia Contract II                 By R Batey"
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: WRIGHTCHOICE SOFTWARE           PO BOX 100                      TROON                           AYRSHIRE                        KA10 6BD"
   1 C$="SUPPLIER: DAVID EDGAR                     1 HIGH PARKSAIL                 ERSKINE                         RENFREWSHIRE                    PA8 7HY"
   1 C$="Results of our                  Readers Survey."
   1 C$="Plus our Top 10                 adventure chart."
   1 C$="More than 200                   adventures listed               here."
   1 C$="Hints on A                      Seeker of Gold."
   1 C$="Guide to solving                Twice Shy."
   1 C$="An exciting adventure           with Dr Goo!"
   1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT":
   1 C$="  Are you having problems with    an adventure? HELPLINE is a     free service which could save   you from death, destruction,    and much worse (if such a       thing is possible)."     
   1 C$="  All you have to do is look      at the list of adventures on    Side 2 and write to the         person who can help you with    your problem. Please include    a S.A.E. with your letter or    an international reply          coupon if you are writing       from abroad."
   1 Berlin free of charge.            As in the first adventure you play the part of John Blake - anultra secret Government agent.
   1 Backnumbers and single issues   cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue.
   1 Back on the rickety wharf,    STAMP FOOT to get wharf pilings,then SWIM and DIVE to the river bed to find a violet figurine.  SWIM back to the muddy river    bank and you should have four
   1 Back in the hallway, DISMANTLESUIT with the spanner to find a grey figurine, four down, six tofind!
   1 BORED OF THE RINGS            
   1 At the top of the stairs shootRossi's men.
   1 At the end of the narrow     corridor pull the pin on the    grenade, then through the gren- ade through the door.
   1 At New York go westwards untilyou are outside an old building.Ram save before opening the doorthen kill the two men.
   1 Are you really serious about    playing adventure games on your computer? I mean, do you expect to get a headache from staring  at your screen for hours on end,trying to solve the problems?   And do you expect to be ""killed""at least twenty-eleven times    before you find the answer to a puzzle? If so, then don't buy   this game!
   1 Another disappearing object isthe small box which can be foundin the central cabin. To open ityou must ""use second from the
   1 All in all this is the best gameyet from Wrightchoice and is    certainly worth the asking priceof `3.95. I would have thought  that with `500 at stake the     price tag would have been       higher.
   1 ;"VERA CRUZ"
   1 ;"The  Troll"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM 
   1 ;"SEPTEMBER 1987"
   1 ;"Press ""R"" to read again"
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 16 
   1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES"        
   1 ;"NUMBER 14
   1 ;"EDITOR William Young":
   1 ;"3      6      12"
   1 ;"           June  Rowe":
   1 9) DIARY - Contains the follow- ing addresses:- Eva Transport   Cafe, Givors 69: Nadine Lafeui- lle, 2 Balay Street, St Etienne:
   1 8) ASHTRAY - Contains two stubs,1 Rothmans and 1 Camel with     traces of lipstick.
   1 7) SUICIDE NOTE - This says -   Goodbye! I must end it all -    Vera.
   1 6) MATCHBOX - Label says - Bar  le Sympa, 2 Station Street, St  Etienne.
   1 5) CIGARETTES - Packet of Roth- mans King Size.
   1 4) CARTRIDGE - 9mm calibre mark-ed TE 9 F3-79
   1 3) AUTOMATIC PISTOL - Type: MAC 50, Cal: 9mm, No:G56743.
   1 204 WORPLE ROAD
   1 2) HANDBAG - This contains itemsmarked VERA CRUZ, a packet of   Camel cigarettes and some       toiletries.
   1 ............
   1 ''''"STAR RATING   
   1 ''"STAR RATING   
   1 '"utilities on tape."
   1 '"if you win of course!). The     closing date for entries is the 12th OCTOBER 1987."
   1 '"founts which you can use in yourown adventures."
   1 '"You have decided to kill Rossi  and Capollaand then find the    documents which will tell you   about Capolla's Mafia gunmen.     You will then have the power  to seize control of the entire  city."
   1 '"You are now the boss of the two most powerful Mafia gangs in theentire city."
   1 '"U.K.        `5.00  `10.00 `18.00"
   1 '"This utility is essential for   anyone hoping to use the full   power of Incentive's GAC. It    contains the ""Ultimate GAC      Guide"", a 16 page booklet which reveals many powerful but       totally undocumented features ofthe GAC, and also contains a    wealth of advanced programming  tips together with the following"
   1 '"The Gacpac also contains docume-ntation for routines which      amongst other things will allow you to extend room descriptions and create other characters in  your adventure."
   1 '"The Dragonslayer  Andy MacGregor":
   1 '"STAR RATING   
   1 '"Overseas    `10.00 `18.00 `36.00"
   1 '"Once you've done that send your answer to us at S.A.E.C. along  with the name of the adventure  you would like to receive (only"
   1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our     books than you will find in yourlocal computer store.
   1 '"In part 1 of the Vera Cruz      affair you must take photographsof the clues at the scene of themurder and enter your evidence  in the computer at the beginningof part 2."
   1 '"In Mafia Contract I you assassi-nated a rival gang leader for   your boss Don Capolla. Since    then you have been his personal adviser and bodyguard."
   1 '"Europe      `7.50  `12.00 `24.00"
   1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure."
   1 '"At the moment the Gacpac is onlyavailable for the Spectrum but  an Amstrad version may follow."
   1 '"   The Troll    Richard Batey":
   1 '"        Press ""Q"" to quit"
   1 '"         
   1 "These are only some of the      questions you will ask yourself in this exciting adventure."
   1 "  You now run an empire worth   100 million per free.There are approximately 500     professional drug pushers, hit- men and loan sharks at your     disposal."
   1 "  You are sitting in your officepondering how to achieve your   plans when you are rudely       awakened by the sight of your   guards being slaughtered by     Rossi's men on your closed      circuit TV."
   1 "  Capolla's regime is now being threatened by a powerful gang   led by Vito Rossi. Capolla has  panicked and gone into hiding,  but not before putting a        contract on anyone he fears,    including you!"
   1 "  Al Capone would have been     proud of you. Just don't abuse  your power, it may be fun at thetop...But it's a hell of a long way to fall from!!"
   1  which saves yet   more precious memory by optimiz-ing your code. Unlike the above,this utility slightly modifies  the adventure database so it is best used when you have the gamefully debugged."
   1  which not only   reclaims all the memory that GACwastes every time you edit (can be measured in Kilobytes) but   also dramatically speeds up the response time of your adventure."
   1  which   removes the wasted space createdwhenever an object is inserted  into the database."
   1  which    enables you to edit runnable    adventures."
   1  which      enables you to list every word  used in your adventure. You can then correct any spelling errorsthat may have occurred."
   1  enabling you to   incorporate a text fount of yourown design and/or a title       picture into your finished game with no loss of memory."
   1  also contains a utility called 
   1  adventuring and each month      I will open my chests with      a solid gold key and share      with you the Knowledge  to      be found in  these  tomes.
   1  Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT
   1  THE BIG SLEAZE                
   1  SIR GNELM":
   1  SEABASE DELTA                 
   1  S.A.E.C. 1987
   1  Revisited":
   1  PRIS ST PAUL reveals details  of Ziegler's cell mates.
   1  PREF LYON gives you details  of the owner of the car, one    Philippe Blanc.
   1  More statements from Gilles, Ziegler and Philippe should     complete the investigation.
   1  MOOR DEN":
   1  MARIE CELESTE                
   1  MADCAP MANOR                  
   1  KOBYASHI NARU                 
   1  Get a statement from the care-taker (address - Forest Apart-  ment). This will provide a desc-ription of two men and part of acar registration number.
   1  Get a statement from his     brother and enter his name in   COMPARISON.
   1  Get a statement from Ziegler then go to COMPARISON.
   1  GIE ST GALMIER 42 informs you that Ziegler was arrested for   beating a client of Eva Delarue.
   1  GIE CLERMONT supplies the    rest of the BMW's registration  number.
   1  Check his statement with     Stanislas Kowalski.
   1  CRRJ LYON tells you that Gypsyis Philibert Ziegler.
   1  CRRJ LYON tells you that Fuzzyis Abdoulah Hocine.
   1  CRRJ LYON gives you details  of the pistol.
   1  CRRJ LYON and CIAT LYON will provide you with information on Gilles Blanc.
   1  CIAT ST ETIENNE will supply   you with details showing that
   1  BDRJ ST ETIENNE will supply  details about Philippe Blanc    whose statement you should now  get.
   1  An ergonomical fount designer together with 15 pre-defined"
   1  A statement from the jeweler, address St Etienne, shows his   wife was murdered. The case was handled by CIAT ST ETIENNE.
   1  A statement from Nadine Lafeu-ille will reveal the name GYPSY.
   1  A statement from Hocine showsthat Ziegler is afraid of some- one called Blanc.
   1  A statement from Eva, whose   address is in the diary, tells  of a robbery involving jeweller Hubert Delroche.
   1  A professional runnable adven-ture 
   1  A datafile 
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1   You begin the adventure at    Heathrow airport waiting for a  flight to America. An announce- ment tells you to go to the     information desk where you find a message from your boss CJ.
   1   If you enjoy the world of     spies and secret agents then    this game is for you. If you    don't, well, `500 is a pretty   powerful incentive for buying   this game.
   1   I would rate this adventure asvery good value - two quids     worth of a laugh a minute and a good game to play too. The      graphics are well done and      responses are quick. It is a    very friendly game, even though HELP only gets ""No help here    matey!"" But the help comes in   the shape of very heavy hints   dropped by the author at        frequent intervals.
   1     RESET YOUR COMPUTER AND          LOAD"""" FOR THE TROLL       
   1      TITLE: OPERATION BERLIN                                     
   1        TITLE: JHOTHAMIA 6                                       
   1         Z 
   1         Jd
   1             Greetings,                 fellow adventurers.            I am the Troll whose          cavern is full of chests       packed with leather bound       volumes of pure knowledge.
   1                                 Bp